ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
TIC-TOC-TOE Encryption for MANET Routing Protocols
In the case of an emergency such as a disaster or any rescue operations during Military wars, a communication network is needed. But for an immediate communication, it is not possible to wait for a network to be created. In such cases, a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is used to create a temporary network. MANET is a temporarily formed network, which is a self-forming and self-configuring network. This network automatically forms a communication network by requesting help form the neighbouring nodes. Since MANETs are taking help from neighbouring nodes, there is no guarantee that the responding node is a trusted node. To be precise, the intermediate node should not change the content of the message. Many researches have provided solutions to this problem in the form of assigning certificates to the trusted nodes, verifying signatures of the nodes, authenticating the message, encrypting(hiding the message) etc. Each method is best in its own right but the attackers are succeeding in guessing the message by trial and error methods. Our method proposes a new encryption technique named as TIC-TOC-TOE encryption, which encrypts the data to be sent with prescribed shapes. To reduce the time of encryption, data compression is used before encrypting the data. By reducing the redundant data before applying encryption algorithm, encryption time can be reduced. So by using encoding and encryption data can be protected from eavesdropping. Here we are presenting an optimized encoding technique along with the encryption technique. The experimental results show that our proposed method performs better than many existing techniques with respect to compression ratio, encryption and decryption times and the speed of compression. The analysis includes comparison of encryption time and decryption time. For this analysis, we used NS 2.35 in a laptop with 2.4GHz CPU, in which the performance data is collected. This algorithm takes less processing time and it will work faster for encryption and decryption. It is concluded that the proposed algorithm will produce better performance than the other common encrypted algorithms.
Maheswary A, Baskar S
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