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Research Article Open Access

To Improve Cop of Domestic Refrigerator with the Help of Water Cooling Condenser


Refrigerator is one of the home appliances utilizing vapour compression cycle in its process. Performance of the system becomes main issue and many researches are still on going to evaluate and improve efficiency of the system. The main objective is to improve performance of the refrigeration system in term of refrigeration Capacity, Compressor work and Coefficient of performance (COP) by determining three important parameters during in operating mode which are temperature, pressure and refrigerator flow rate. A household refrigerator designed to work with F-12 which is use as an investigation unit to assess the prospect of using refrigerants. Work on condenser in domestic refrigeration is pretty development. We are going to introduce the thermoelectric module in a model of domestic refrigerator for sub cooling the refrigerant and the effect of condenser temperature on COP and refrigerating effect is in investigated. The energy consumption of the refrigerator during experiment with refrigerant F-12 will be measured.

Sukani Sunny, Savaj Jayesh, Cop Improver Group

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