ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Tour Planning For Mobile Data-Gathering Mechanisms In Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper we investigate the tour planning for mobile data gathering in wireless sensor node by introducing mobility into the network. An M-collector starts the data-gathering tour periodically from the static data sink, polls each sensor and then directly collects data from the sensor in single-hop communications, and transports it into the static sink. Our mobile data-gathering scheme improves the scalability and solves intrinsic problems. By introducing the M-collector, data gathering becomes more flexible and adaptable to the unexpected changes of the network topology. M-collector will separate each zone that will reduce the network faults. In addition, data gathering by Mcollectors is perfectly suitable for applications, where sensors are only partially connected. proposed data-gathering scheme can greatly reduce the moving length compared with the covering line algorithm. In addition, it can prolong the network lifetime significantly compared with the scheme that has only a static data collector.
D.Yasar Arfath, K.R.Kavitha
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