ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Traffic Identification Method Engine: An Open Platform for Traffic Classification
The availability of open supply traffic classification systems designed for each experimental and operational use will facilitate collaboration, convergence on normal definitions and procedures, and reliable analysis of techniques. during this article, we tend to describe Traffic Identification Engine (TIE), associate open supply tool for net-work traffic classification , that we tend to started developing in 2008 to market sharing common implementations and information during this field. In the traffic identification engine we use to special path or send messeges. in this algorithm we have the lowest path of width to send messages. Through scientific collaborations, and thanks to the support of the open source community, this platform gradually evolved over the past five years, supporting an increasing number of functionalities, some of which we highlight in this articles.
A.R. Arunachalam, K.G.S. Venkatesan, Abdul Basith.K.V, M. Sriram
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