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Special Issue Article Open Access



Transportation facilities are the core of any development activities especially for a developing medium sized town like Tirur. The passenger and goods transportation system exerts an influence on the quality of life as well as economic vitality of the city. In order to formulate effective and efficient transportation facilities for Tirur town, the traffic operation plan for the year 2030 is an effective measure to cater the existing and future demand. To assess the severity of the shortfalls of the existing traffic system stemmed by tremendous traffic congestion in Tirur town, various traffic studies such as traffic volume count, pedestrian movement, parking survey, origin-destination survey are conducted in the municipal area. Relevant secondary data was also collected. The traffic congestion was mainly caused by car, two wheelers and three wheelers of both passenger and goods trips. Such detailed scenarios of the traffic condition and improvement proposals for the present and horizon year are discussed.

Mohammed Sinan N, Gymmy Joseph Kattoor, Abdul Malik K.V.

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