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Research Article Open Access

Trust as a Social Capital in Beihagi History


Social capital has been paid attention in sociology recently that defines the relationships among members of a group or society by observing the special norms and rules. Observing such regulations and considering social capital guilds man to achieve his personal and collective goals. Trust, integration, collaboration and participation, responsibility taking and loyalty are social capitals. Social capital is defined as unintentional capital that is does not have any personal owner that inherited by generation to next generation. This capital requires preservation and structuring due to its collective benefits. Beihagi narrates success and failure of Ghaznavid dynasty. This historical text reminds us that there were different kinds of capitals leading to culmination and inclination of a government. Beihagi identifies aspects of social capital and refers to the reasons for frequency or lack of these components.

Parvaneh Adelzadeh, Mohammad Pashayi, Rasoul Kazemzade, Masoud Dehghani , Fattaneh Semsar Khiabanian, Kamran Pashayi Fakhri

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