Conference Proceeding Open Access
Uniqueness of naturopathy in building a healthy community
Naturopathy is a drugless system of healing. It is entirely dependent on the vital power of the body. But many are unaware of what it actually means , how it works , is it truly beneficial etc. The first and foremost thing is to educate people about naturopathy. Even in many of the allopathy hospitals there is a department for naturopathy. Where allopathy fails naturopathy comes into role and vice versa. During this pandemic without a doubt we can say that naturopathy is the most effective line of treatment and is proven. Naturopathy works well in boosting the immune power when compared to other systems of medicine. There are different therapies in naturopathy which helps in recovering health. Each plays a role in boosting the healing power of body. So understanding naturopathy means understanding a healthy way of living. Athulya Raj
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