ISSN: 2319-9865

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Commentary Open Access



Vaccines are biological preparations with great significance in preventing dangerous diseases in cooperation with healthy lifestyle. Though we maintain healthy lifestyle there are maximum chances to be attacked by disease causing microorganisms. So, it is a good option to be vaccinated rather than quitting it with wrong religious beliefs and with wrong advises from unqualified people. Government in developed countries have already started tightening the laws to completely restrict Antivaccine slogans from unqualified people. This type of laws can be implemented only if there are good statistics about number of people being vaccinated. And in country like India they are now planning to shift from OPV to IPV where as other countries far ahead of it. Government in all countries should be a step ahead in Health sector then only the other sectors can grow and simultaneously it helps in growth of nation.

Sandhya Sree M

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