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Conference Proceeding Open Access

Upcoming Conference Report


“14th International Conference on Biosimilars and Pharma Innovations.” was successfully done on February 23, 2021, Webinar at hosted by Conference series with the theme of “Explore the new challenges & Innovation in Biosimilars and Pharma Innovation”. The conference was initiated with the Excellencies of the keynote forums: Title: Cardiovascular and Renal Benefits of SGLT2 Inhibitors (Evidence-Based) Maha A. AlMolaiki , King Abdulaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia. After finishing World Biosimilars 2021 conference we have got quick and good response from the previous attendees and we are happily informed to latest conference that is “15th International Conference on Biosimilars and Pharma Innovations, Webinar” will be organized during on July 19-20,2021 Theme of this Webinar is “To Foster the Strategies of Drug Discovery and Design”. World Biosimilars 2021 providing an opportunity for speakers, moderators from all over the world to fulfil their ideas and innovative research ideas in Biosimilars and pharmacy. It is also an opportunity for researchers, chemistry professors, students to present and discuss the most recent advances and challenges on Biosimilars and Pharmaceutical Science. Moreover, the Best Poster award and Best speaker awards will be announced by the Chair and co-chair of the session. Conference Series LLC LTD is an open resource platform that conducts 3000+ global events including International Conferences, Workshops, Symposia, Trade Shows, Exhibitions and Science Congresses in all the major scientific disciplines, including Clinical, Medical, and pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology, Business Management and Life Sciences across America, Europe, The Middle East, and Asia Pacific. It is reaching over 25 million researchers, scholars, students, professionals and corporate entities all over the globe.

Roberto Cannataro