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Research Article Open Access

Urban Growth and the Challenge of Water Security: A Case Study of Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria


The unabated growth in the population of Iwo results in rapid physical expansion of the town and so, undue pressure on the available water resources. Thus, an investigation into what the nearest future holds for Iwo town with regards to water a result of increasing growth in the population and the implied expansion. Data for this study were both primary and secondary. The report showed that the current trend in the expansion will have implied consequences on the water need of the town. The only source of clean water is Aiba Water Reservoir which is almost becoming abandoned for inadequate funding and other related challenges, thus performing below expectation. The rain is seasonal and the surface water resources are heavily contaminated while ground water yields are very poor and season-dependent. Thus, stakeholders in water sector works to ensure that the Water Works is overhauled for better performance.

Timothy O. Ogunbode, Ifabiyi I. Paul

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