ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Use of Biodiesel in CI Engines: A Review
Vegetable oils are a suitable alternative to diesel in compression ignition (CI) engines. The use of vegetable oils in a C I engine results in low CO, HC and smoke opacity emissions compared to a conventional diesel fuel. Biodiesel, a clean renewable fuel, has recently been considered as the best substitute for a diesel fuel because it can be used in any CI engine without the need for modification. Chemically, biodiesel is a mixture of methyl esters with long chain fatty acids and is typically made from non-toxic, biodiesel resources such as vegetable oils (Jatropha, Karanja, Thumba etc.), animal fats or even waste cooking oils (WCO). Biodiesel processing is required to refine the vegetable oil feedstock and convert it into biodiesel, so as to meet the desired C I engines fuels specifications. This paper describes the basic processing required for the vegetable oil feedstock to make it usable in C I engines
Saurabh Singh, Manish Jain and Amit Pal
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