Volumetric Capnography: History, Function and Clinical Uses
Introduction: The volumetric capnography is a quick, simple, cheap, and effective test for distal airways. The test is based on the volumetric concentration of expired CO2 and Tidal Volume (CV) flow over a single exhalation.
Literature review: The exam makes it possible to observe the curve of expired CO2, considering its concentration. These CO2 curves are plotted, showing the inspired volume point by point, and the dead space volume can be calculated among the elimination of CO2 with each breath. Showing us the different phases of breathing, seen in slopes, from 1 to 3.
Discussion: Several authors found valuable data when comparing volumetric capnography with other established tests, such as spirometry.
Conclusion: Despite the countless discoveries using capnography, we still need more tests and comparisons in other pathologies to better understand their most diverse peculiarities. Not forgetting that capnography is a complementary exam. We need other tests, such as computed tomography, to make a diagnosis and define an appropriate treatment for patients.
Odair Henrique Gaverio Diniz*, Marcos Mello Moreira
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