ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Vulnerability of Biometric Authentication System
Biometrics is a means of identifying somebody or an electronic system through some measurable, behavioral or biological characteristics such as fingerprints, voice or iris, patterns, a password etc for the singular aim of distinguishing between a specific individual and an impostor. In computer technology, biometrics relates to identity confirmation and security techniques that rely on measurable, individual biological features that recognize or verify the identity of individuals through automated means. This paper is motivated by the fact that some traditional authentication methods as mentioned above might not be sufficient to combat identification (ID) theft or ensure adequate security. For example, password could be easily forgotten, lost, guessed or stolen. Again, the Biometric System may also fail to operate as intended due to manipulations by adversaries. Thus, the objective of this work is to examine the Biometric Authentication System vulnerabilities and attack which may come in form of intrinsic limitation, adversary attacks, Biometric Encryption. The methodology used involved steganographic and water making techniques and cancelled Biometric Techniques. It was found that spoofing attacks are major threat to Biometric Systems and Liveness detection are vulnerable.
Ekwonwune Emmanue, Nwabueze, Dominic Edebatu, Nwachukwu Catherine Ada Ngozi
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