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Research Article Open Access

Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Communities Monitoring of Catchment Basin of Debed River in Armenia in Spring in 2015


The research was to complexly assess the quality of water of Debed river. Initial material was monthly monitoring data on Debed river in Spring in 2015. As result of research a general characteristic of river's biodiversity. We indicated the impact sources of benthic macroinvertebrate numbers reduction and water quality formation factors, assessed the level of water pollution with heavy metal, saprobic level, hydrogeochemical and hydrophysicochemical characteristic. Several years of experience in investigations with macrozoobenthos in Debed river, a biological assessment system has been developed to indicate pollution levels caused by easily degradable organic substances from sewers. For this purpose, saprobic valences and weights hav been established for 37 taxa of macrozoobenthos. In order to identify the habitats’ saprobic levels, the concentration of chemical indicators for organic load were used the levels of dissolved oxygen after 5 days. The max level was 2.81 in 0.5 km under from Spitak city and min level was 1.65 in Estuary of debed river. A comparison of heavy metal concentrations in water, as well as the diversity of macroinvertebrate species, was made between sites near the origin of the Debed river, with hardly any mining activities. The concentration of heavy metals was different.The max concentration of heavy metals was in 2nd , 4th and 7th vantage-grounds of Debed river, and min concentration heavy metals was 1st vantage-ground of Debed river. Analyzed heavy metals were Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, As , Pb, Li.

Inga Badasyan

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