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Web Based Applications and Their Testing Approach
Internet is perhaps the most popular medium of sharing information today and its popularity is growing day by day. People refer to it for almost all sorts of reasons, and with growing usage the concept of security risks arises. Security risks arise mainly because the internet is a two-way medium. Personal information is shared over the internet through web-based applications which we use for many useful purposes like applying for passports, online ticket booking, online testing sites, social networking sites, etc. To ensure that the web-based applications offer full productivity and good security of the users’ information it is important that the development procedure of these applications be redefined keeping things like feasibility, security aspects, and problems that are likely to be faced during future maintenance in mind. We are proposing a novel and scientific technique for designing ideal web-based applications. This technique includes various testing methods like white-box testing, black-box testing, etc. to make sure that the application is working as required, and that the limits or bounds on its constituent variables and functions are not violated. It must be made sure that confidential data such as passwords are properly encrypted using latest technologies like md5, and the special users of the application like Master user/admin user are provided with secured privileges. It must also be ensured that the application is compatible on various modern browser platforms. We have tested the method and found it to be quite up to our expectations. Thus, if the proposed method is followed properly it shall not only increase the security aspect of the applications but also reduce efforts required for the maintenance of the application in future.
Gaurav Kumar Tak, Anurag Singh Tomar
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