ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Wireless Energy Protocol Advancement Using Multicast Data Transmission for Enhancing Lifetime of Network
The most important objectives of wireless sensor network are to enhance or to increase the lifetime of the sensor network and also to use the energy of the network effectively. Many traditional approaches had been proposed in wireless sensor network (WSN) to achieve these objectives. But, they are not so efficient and reliable in terms of utilization of energy on the network nodes. However, nodes in network are typically considered to be homogeneous in nature since the researches in the field of WSN, have been evolved but in real world, homogeneous sensor networks hardly been considered for research. Thus, we require a clustering technique which will work in heterogeneous environment which are more closely relates with real life environment. In this paper, we proposed a multi node approach for data routing. This will consume less energy in long distance communication. In our methodology we propose intermediate gateways which lie between cluster heads and main station so will consume less energy than previous single hop protocols which also help in reducing distance between Tx node and Rx station, as distance decrease the energy consumption by nodes for transmission decreases so lifetime also get enhanced.
Pratistha Sharma, Abhishek Gupta
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