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Research Article Open Access

Wireless Intrusion Detection and Logging System


Intrusion detection is the security patrol, and become the eyes and ears of the network, alerting the potential vulnerabilities and intrusion attempts. Monitoring can help to spot problems in the network, as well as identify performance problems, but watching every second of traffic that passes through the network, manually searching for attacks, would be impossible. This is why there is need of specialized network intrusion detection software. This software inspects all network traffic, looking for potential attacks and intrusions. Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) is wireless network sniffing tool. It is used for securing the WLAN. And it generates the alarms to the administrator as soon as something goes wrong in the WLAN.WIDS attempts to identify computers system, network intrusions and misuse by gathering and analyzing data.WIDS can monitor and analyze user and system activities. It generates the alerts based either on predefined signatures or on anomalies in the traffic.

Suraj Kendhey, Nitin Khobragade, Sumit Raut, Vikrant Naik

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