ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Wireless Medical History Tracker and Token Generator Using Finger Biometric Technology and Arm
The work is proposed to track the medical history of a patient and hence a Finger Biometric Module is used for tracking the medical history records. The medical records are to be stored in the database server present in the hospital, organization or anywhere in the world. It is connected with the terminal of physician through LAN, Wi-Fi or internet. Whenever, the Finger of the patient is read by a Finger Biometric Module connected to the data server, the complete information of the patient will be appeared on the computer screen of the doctor. So doctor can access the previous records of patient instantly on his computer screen. The token will be generated for providing the sequence to the patient for the respective departments where they wish to visit. The token status is updated by the doctors of respective departments by reading their own Finger on the Finger Biometric module which transmitted over the wireless network in the hospital and it will be displayed at the reception.
Mohit M. Jungare, Prof.V.G.Giripunje
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