ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Work Life Balance of Women Employees
Worklife balance of women in IT secors is gaining the domain place in highly discussed topics. Family–work conflict and work–family conflict are more likely to exert negative influences in the family domain, resulting in lower life satisfaction and greater internal conflict within the family. Variables such as the size of family, the age of children, the work hours and the level of social support impact the experience of Work family conflict and Family work conflict. It is also significant to note the success level gained by women in career and family inspite of all the stress they undergo at work place. It is also important to consider the consequences these variables have on psychological distress and wellbeing of the working women.Aim: To study various factors which could lead to a in depth knowledge about work life balance and stress undergone by women employees. Findings and Conclusion: The findings of the study emphasized the need to formulate guidelines for the management of work life balance at organizational level as it is related to job satisfaction and performance of the employees.
R.BalajiTo read the full article Download Full Article