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Workflow Scheduling Using Heuristics Based Ant Colony Optimization
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a Meta heuristic combinatorial optimization technique. Ant Colony System (ACS) is the algorithm in the ACO. This is based on the behavior of ants. Many ants starts to search food from the nest and travel some distance. In that time some ants goes to search food in some ways. At last all ants reach the destination point that way will be the shortest path. This is done by the pheromone updation. The leading ant deposits the pheromone while moving, the upcoming ants follows the leading ant by the chemical where it is high. This process is repeated until an optimal combination of ants solution is reached. Based on this concept we implement the algorithm to solve the real time problems like routing, assignment, scheduling
J.Elayaraja, S.Dhanasekar
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