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Care of critically ill patient, requires spontaneous & accurate decisions so that life-protecting & lifesaving therapy can be properly applied. Statistics reveal that every minute a human is losing his/her life across the globe. More close in India, everyday many lives are affected by heart attacks and more importantly because the patients did not get timely and proper help .This paper is based on monitoring of patients. We have designed and developed a reliable, energy efficient patient monitoring system. It is able to send parameters of patient in real time. It enables the doctors to monitor patient‟s health parameters (temp, heartbeat, ECG, position) in real time. Here the parameters of patient are measured continuously (temp, heartbeat, ECG) and wirelessly transmitted using Zigbee. This project provides a solution for enhancing the reliability and flexibility by improving the performance and power management of the patient monitoringsystem. In the current proposed system the patient health is continuously monitored and theacquired data is analyzed at a centralized ARM microcontroller. If a particular patient‟s health parameter falls below the threshold value, an automated SMS is sent to the pre-configured Doctor‟s mobile number using a standard GSM module interfacedto the ARM microcontroller. Here, we are using Zigbee for wireless transmission. The Doctor can get arecord of a particular patient‟s information by just accessing the database of the patient on his PC which is continuously updated through Zigbee receiver module.

Purnima, Neetu Rout, Rahul Tiwary ,Renuka Bhandari

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