ISSN: 2319-9865
Itika Kumar, Graeme Watson and Adrienne Mutton
The James Cook University Hospital, UK
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: RRJMHS
Background: The Royal College of Pathologists has issued guidance on specimens of little clinical value; this includes placentas. It has been agreed nationally that there are specific indications for processing these specimens; most of the important features can be recorded by midwives at the time of delivery and microscopic examination reveals little else except for certain clinical circumstances. We wished to determine if we were being referred appropriate cases. Methods: A pathology database search was utilized and identified 140 specimens for the 2016 period. 32 were selected randomly. All were audited against the standard. Results: In every report that was analysed the mother�s details such as date of birth was reported. On the contrary, none of the infant�s details which include foetal birth weight or condition was reported. This was the most neglected field and is extremely important to provide context for the microscopic examination being requested. Conclusion: The results of this audit showed that 100% of the mother�s details and responsible consultant was stated in every report. Unfortunately, infant details were not provided on any of the requests; there is an opportunity to improve.
Itika Kumar is Currently working in The James Cook University Hospital, UK