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Cleaner production practices for resource optimization

14th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering

November 13-15, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA

Sampath Kumar M C

B.M.S College of engineering Bangalore, India

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C1-011


This Paper describes the studies conducted on application of best practices in cleaner production at industry level and its visible beneficial impact on the surrounding environment and ground water. The industrial zone had many medium and large scale industries and posing many challenges in resource utilization. The studies involved many industry specific issues such as noncompliance to adoption of green chemistry concepts to process and impediments in application of cleaner technologies to various activities in the industries. The characterization included evaluation of energy consumption, hazardous waste management and water quality indices for ground water. The studies were supplemented with estimation of carbon credits and justified by environmental economics. Studies were made effective by creating a decision making model and support system using remote sensing and GIS tools for locating the industries and optimizing resource conservation. Such green initiatives have brought a distinct change in work practices in industrial areas and community at large


Sampath kumar M.C. is faculty at the civil engineering Department at B.M.S College of engineering Bangalore, India. He is involved in Teaching, research and environmental application activities. His area of interest is in the field of remote sensing and GIS for natural resources conservation.