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Effect of process parameters on dimension of single-track ss316l deposited by direct energy deposition

4th International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

August 16-17, 2018 | London, UK

Yen Ting Chen

NCKU, Taiwan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C2-018


Direct Energy Deposition (DED) has been recently applied for production of complex structure and for different areas, because of its convenient feature. However, there are still lots of problems, such as how to control the process parameters to get demand cladding dimension and to improve product properties. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of process parameters on dimension of single-track 316L stainless steel by DED and find a prediction index of dimension control. In this study, DED experiments were carried out with powder and substrate of 316L stainless steel to investigate the influences of process parameters (Laser Power and Scan speed) on laser forming properties. Software ImageJ was used to analyze the dimensions and morphology. From our results, it was found that increase in laser power leads to increasing the cladding area, height, and width. Secondly, increase in scan speed results in the unsymmetric morphology of cladding, and in decreasing the area and height of cladding, but it doesn��?t have significant influence on the cladding width. Thirdly, energy index and dimension index could be used to help on controlling process parameters. When the energy index E>50, molten pool boundary expands across to the substrate and make it could be always found the re-melt zone below substrate. For dimension index DI>0.8, more powder could be deposited on the substrate (cross section area of per unit track is larger than 1.8mm2) .

