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Integrated Farming System for Sustainable Agriculture

2nd International Conference on Agroecology and Organic farming

October 25-26, 2023 | Webinar

Nirojini Subakshan


ScientificTracks Abstracts: RRJET


The term integrated farming meaning, integration of different agricultural methods like agricultural crops with animal husbandry. Integrated Farming System (IFS) is a solution to the Sustainable development for food production, providing stable income for the farmers and it enables to give food security to the farmers works under limited natural resources. The idea of sustainable development aims to advance economic growth and provide long lasting agricultural improvements without negatively causing environment. In integrated farming, various complementary enterprises are combined in a synergistic way, such as crops (field crops, horticultural crops), agroforestry (Agri-silviculture, Agri-horticulture, Agripastoral, silvic-pastoral, Horti-pastoral), livestock (dairy, pigs, poultry, small ruminants), fishery, mushroom and bee culture, for the purpose of maximizing farm productivity. Integrated farming systems are farming systems with multiple enterprises that interact in space and time and the interactions result in a synergistic resource transfer among enterprises (Behera et al., 2015a; Manjunatha et al., 2014). Integrated Farming System improves soil health, controls weeds and pests, increases water efficiency, and maintains water quality. The use of toxic chemical fertilizers, weed killers, and pesticides should be limited in integrated agricultural systems, while simultaneously protecting the environment from the negative consequences. The advantages of Integrated farming include regulation of soil fertility & health, multi-phase of income to the farmers and give many jobs opportunity to the local community. Also, in any season those who do integrated farming can survive and support to the local community by food and supplements from their farms. IFS�s fundamental characteristic is that all of its components are interrelated and in a state of equilibrium, much like an ecosystem


Nirojini Subakshan (Founder of PRIMES JOYCE GLOBAL (PVT) LTD & WELLNESS ORGANIC FARMS) has her expertise in evaluation and passion in improving the health and wellbeing with Natural and Organic products. Her open and contextual evaluation model based on responsive constructivists creates new pathways for improving Wellness. She has built this model after years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and administration about organic farming & Sustainable development.