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One-shot® method and low-density bio-composite for automotive components

6th International Conference and Exhibition on Automobile & Mechanical Engineering

July 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland

Alfonso Molaro

Sapa SPA, Italy

ScientificTracks Abstracts: JET


The completely automation of a manufacturing processes lead to higher production rates and increased productivity, better product quality, improved safety and reduced factory lead times. The One-Shot�?® Method was created to include all of the steps of traditional car components manufacturing into a single an all-in-one process. The One-Shot�?® C lower pillar is a multi-component, consisting of a part made of thermoplastic material, a layer of sound-absorbing polyurethane foam material and a fabric or leather covering.


Alfonso Molaro is an R&D engineer at SAPA SPA, a manufacturer of interior, exterior and under hood vehicle parts. He graduated from the University of Naples Federico II in Materials Engineering. He’s got a postgraduate master's degree in development, characterization and injection molding of thermoplastic technopolymers. His current research activities concern the development of low density and high-performance thermoplastic composites, industrial process automation and continuous improvement of product quality.
