ISSN: 2319-9865
Cintia do Couto Mascarenhas, Gustavo Fernandes, Allan A. Lima Pereira, Gabriella T. P. Braga, Cintia do Couto Mascarenhas, Brenda Gumz,Marcela Crosara, Daniel Girardi, Adriana Barrichello and Heinrich Seidler
Syrian Lebanese Hospital, Brasilia, Brazil Catholic University, Brasilia, Brazil
ScientificTracks Abstracts: RRJMHS
Even though the screening protocols are eficient and widely recommended in reducing mortality for colon-rectum cancer the populations from different age groups can have distinct pathological and molecular profiles what can influence by screening and polyp resection, especially in older ages. A retrospective analysis was performed in tumors from stage IV CRC patients from a central pathology laboratory in Brazil that is a reference for mutational profiling countrywide. The study population was classified as pre-screening (PrSA; <45yo), screening(SA; 45-75yo) and post-screening age (PoSA; >75yo). Every tumor has been centrally reviewed by the pathologist. Groups were compared regarding clinicopathologic features and presence of RAS and BRAF mutations. Was included 1244 pts (164 PrSA, 919 SA and 161 PoSA) and have no significant difference among groups regarding sidedness (p= 0.68) and KRAS mutations (p=.0.97). Stage IV at diagnose (p =.001), presence of signet-ring cell component (p< .001) along with poorly differentiated tumors (p= .006) were most found on young patients, while BRAF and NRAS mutations where significantly more common among PosSA (table). PosSA and PreSA CRCs seem to present a distinct profile from SA populations, including molecular and pathologic differences what can impact the frequency of screening tests among different age groups.
Cintia do Couto Mascarenhas has completed her PhD at the age of 29 years from Faculty of Medicine - University of Campinas and postdoctoral studies from Catholic University of Brasília. She was a coordenator of clinical research center at Hematology and Hemoterapy Center at UNICAMP. She was a professor at Catholic University of Brasília since 2013 until 2019 july. Currently she is a CEO of 1Health Services a early startup, Ad hoc at Department of Science and Technology of the Brazilian Ministry of Health and also making her second undergraduate in Medicine.