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Preventing the Spread of Pandemics in the Aviation Industry

Joint Webinar on World Summit on Automotive and Autonomous Systems and International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

September 17, 2021 | Webinar

Vanessa Villa

San Jose State University, USA

ScientificTracks Abstracts: RRJET


The aviation industry has been a growing field that has changed history forever. Since the first airplane in December 1903, airplanes have revolutionized in many ways. Aircraft have gotten faster, safer, efficient, larger, and much more. Aircrafts have changed the way people live. For example, civil aviation carries passengers as well as large cargo and transport them to a specific location which makes traveling faster, quicker, and easier. Civil aviation plays a crucial role in economic growth. This type of aviation allows the world to stay connected within each other. Throughout the years, the world has faced many life-changing crises that have changed history and changed the way the aviation industry works. For instance, after 9/11, the aviation industry had to change protocols and regulations to ensure its passengers� safety (Clarke, 2020).Workers have been trained to be more aware, prepared, and precautioned for future terrorist attacks. Coronavirus is a new virus with little to no information; thus, people do not know how to move forward with the current situation. This presentation aims on how airports can better prepare for future pandemics. The global pandemic began a chain reaction that no one was prepared for in 2020. Many lives and businesses have changed. Everyone is trying to survive this unexpected virus. The world is trying to overcome and find solutions from keeping their business from shutting down because their businesses are what several people rely on. COVID-19 has affected the aviation industry by restricting air travel and dealing with the reduction of travelers. With air carrier�s revenue dropping, airlines will have to improve protocol, update policy, and ensure the safety of their passengers as well as their employees.


Vanessa Villa is a recent graduate student at San Jose State University. She received her B.S. in Aviation- flight perations. Her research is mainly involved with mechanical and Aerospace engineering.