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Protection against the pseudoscientific swindlers usurping the power of world scientific community is necessary to a science. About mechanical essence of physical interactions, a philosophical and naturalscience inconsistency quantum - relativistic subconsciousness

5th International Conference on Theoretical, Materials and Condensed Matter Physics

November 26-28, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA

Vladislav Cherepennikov

Newton society, Russian

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C10-042


All faster also is fast untwisted a flywheel of a pseudo science under the influence of forces self-rotation (look the note) by armies well paid and armed with lie and ignorance pseudo scientists. The pseudo science flywheel is untwisted in a direction of degradation of public consciousness and stratification of people on poor and over the rich. Thirst of enrichment has no borders and dims reason over rich - conducts to a criminal slaughter-house for repartition of the property and world supremacy. The only thing of that has reached, so-called, scientifically technical progress is not well-being of the population of the Earth, not social justice and peaceful co-existence of the people, and the invention and manufacture of more and more destructive means of mass self-destruction of the population. In infinite bloody wars perish, guilty people turn to cripples and refugees-derelicts in what not. And all these crimes are made to please enrichments "strong" this world. Madness "strong", indifference and carelessness of the weak conducts the world to global accident. We should not admit that the pseudo science flywheel was untwisted to a stage of self-rotation or the destruction of a mad civilization is inevitable. In present conditions when all accessible means, including through curricula of schools and high schools, mass media, to the public impose antiscientific idealistic and religious outlook, profound studying, development and propagation of works of classics of natural sciences and dialectic materialism is the major direction of struggle for a science, culture, against barbarity, absurdity and destructions of a civilization. Only joint efforts of scientists, progressive state and public figures, not indifferent to the own destiny and to destiny of a terrestrial civilization of various strata of society, it is possible to suspend process of degradation and global accident. The note: The self-rotation phenomenon was openly outstanding researchers. In the monograph of the author �?«Protection is necessary to the Science. �?» (you can see it on the site protection-2017en.doc) resolution of problems about about the mysterious rotating disks in the experiments of Paul Baumann ("Testatika"), G.V. Nikolaev from Tomsk (Electric Motor "Siberian Kolya") levitating drives John Searle, the rotating rotor Muscovites Vladimir Roshchin and Sergey Godin. All of them have the uniform nature of the physical interactions which mechanical essence the dialectic materialism has allowed to establish. Under certain conditions, bodies compulsorily resulted in rotation, reaching certain speed, further can be self-accelerated in itself - up to self-damage under the influence of centrifugal forces. Thus in a direction of axes of rotations there are forces, superior forces of gravitation which, due to a misunderstanding, accept now for supernatural forces.

