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Test scenario generator- OneVsRest approach for test scenario generation based on requirements specification

4th International Congress on AI and Machine Learning

August 24-25, 2023 | Webinar

Ruquayyah Jamaldeen

Informatics Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka

ScientificTracks Abstracts: RRJET


The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is the most detailed and influential document in the software development process which is highly rich in content and iscontained with confidential data. All subsequent steps during the process of development are decisive by this document. The significance of the document is that it is modelled for a clear depiction of the proposed system�s features as requirements which can be referred by the different stakeholders to identify tasks in relation to deliver the end product in accordance to their respective requirements. Testing is a validation activity that if performed in order to ensure the conformance of software systems with respect to their functional and non-functional requirements andspecifications. The assurance of the quality of the product is supported by every requirement being tested. The failure of a test case is often mapped with the requirement written for the software offering traceability of a defect. With a growing attentiveness given to Machine Learning approaches for the automation of various tasks there different are approaches to automate many processes in the software testing cycle. The challenge in the automation process is it requires human intelligence to interpret the required output. This research hereby intends to define the significanceof the requirements specified in the requirements specification document of software products andfacilitate an automating the process for the of creation of scenarios to derive test cases in thesoftware testing cycle, this will prove to improve end-to-end testing by identifying the right testscenarios.


Ruquayyah is an undergraduate following the Software Engineering Degree program conducted by Informatics Institute of Technology,Sri Lanka which is affiliated to the University of Westminster,UK.