ISSN: 2319-9873

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The architectural survey of Church of Lorica in Colombia

International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering Research

October 01-02 , 2018 Amsterdam , Netherlands

Massimo Leserri and Keilly Paola Mercado Pico

Pontifical Bolivarian University, Colombia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: JET


This study is about the Santa Cruz de Loricaâ�?�?s Cathedral, in the Colombian Caribbean, a region that underwent a series of social, political, hierarchical and architectural changes since mid-nineteenth century which decentralized trade main sources and direct connection, such as with Cartagena from the time when both municipalities were part of one single department. The cityâ�?�?s political and strategic importance was vital for the departmentâ�?�?s development and military strongholds which also reflected in the townâ�?�?s constructions and cartographies. Its commercial and industrial splendor from the first half of the 20th century allowed the creation of its Port City conditions, nuanced by a diverse cultures atmosphere in a strategic and privileged place with main axes and genesis such as the Sinu River, the Ci�?©naga Grande swamp and the Caribbean Sea. It is good to remember that the historic center was once the whole city, developing itself from a rustic church, the cathedral today and the city�?´s growth was limited by a central axis, the Sinu River. Loricaâ�?�?s cathedral responds to a historical milestone and cultural identity for its inhabitants and history itself. Around this monument, in Central Square, main cultural and political activities of the municipality have been developing over time. Nowadays, it is in front of government palace, the Santa Cruz de Loricaâ�?�?s Town Hall. This study is based on the architectural survey associated with a history search that despite of its much oral tradition, it doesnâ�?�?t have enough written information. This survey is as an open system at various knowledge levels that has several activities of iconographic analysis, bibliography, direct information, etc. Though the Cathedral is the main axis of the historic center and the city itself, it lacks study and historical data, and has neither writings nor cartography; its author is unknown and has a large absence of data that allow clarifying its history and chronology. As an object, a critical, morphological and geometric analysis is made to understand the author's thought to propose comparisons with other cathedrals, styles confrontations and characteristics, to make conceptual hypotheses of the Cathedral.

