E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Tania Tato
University of Vigo, Spain
ScientificTracks Abstracts: JMB
Introduction and Aim: BLUEBIOLAB gathers the Euro region R&D capacities in the field of the blue economy and focuses its efforts in the development of innovative actions for the promotion of innovation in marine biotechnology building up an Atlantic cross-border research and innovation laboratory in marine biotechnology. The creation of a marine biotechnology cross-border laboratory fosters the capacity to internationalize the R&D capabilities of the territory and to establish new collaborations in the Atlantic framework, optimize the use of research infrastructures and contribute to the blue growth strategy. The BLUEBIOLAB will also focus its efforts in communicate the great value of the marine resources of the Atlantic Ocean to our citizens� and seeks on the future cooperation involving more countries and private sector harnessing the value of public-private partnerships. Our resources catalogue includes more than 30 services and 120 top-level equipment available in research facilities within the northern Portugal and Galicia region. A total number of 38 researchers are nowadays working on the BLUEBIOLAB and 26 research groups participate in the project focusing in the three priority research areas of biotechnology and aquaculture, development of new bioactive compounds and marine biomaterials and the use of omics technologies for the better comprehension of marine biodiversity. The laboratory also offers recruitment and cross-border training of new researchers and promotion of their mobility among the Euro region research centers.
Tania Tato has completed her International Masters in Aquaculture studies in 2007 at Las Palmas (Spain) organized by University of Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Canary Institute of Marine Sciences (ICCM) and Center the International of High Agronomics Studies of the Mediterranean of Zaragoza (CIHEAM). She has a degree in Marine Sciences at University of Vigo (Spain). Nowadays is the project manager of the BLUEBIOLAB, a European Union funded project in the Programme INTERREG V A of Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) (0474_BLUEBIOLAB_1_E), co-funded by the FEDER Programme. As marine pollution researcher for more than 10 years has published 8 papers in reputed journals.