E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
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The high antibacterial potential of "clinically isolated pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriocins" as an efficient weapon in the control of nosocomial infections

Joint Webinar: 26th World Congress on Advanced Biotechnology & 3rd World Congress on Food Safety and Nutrition Science

April 27, 2023 | Webinar

Hamed Charkhian*, Ehsan Soleimannezhadbari, Amin Bodaqlouei, Lida Lotfollahi, Hajie Lotfi, Nesa Yousefi, Ehsan Shojadel, Saber Yousefi and Zafar Gholinejad

Islamic Azad University, Iran
University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Keynote: RRJMB


Introduction: The unprofessional use of antibiotics has led to the dangerous spread of drug resistance among a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. The search for new antibacterial sources as an inevitable necessity, suggests bacteriocins as one of the potential options. In this study, the high potential of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa - as an unconventional source in the extraction of antibacterial compounds - was investigated in the production of pyocin as a powerful bacteriocin. Methods: Through the spot test, 150 clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were screened for the production of antibacterial compounds. Using well diffusion, their antibacterial power was compared. The production phase of antibacterial metabolites was adapted to the growth curve of bacteria and the activity of bacteriocin expressed in arbitrary units (AU ml�1) was calculated. The effect of organic solvents, temperature, and pH on the antibacterial activity of peptides was investigated. The possibility of the antibacterial agent being protein was studied through the proximity of the samples with different enzymes, SDS-PAGE and qRT-PCR. Results: All isolates producing antibacterial compounds were able to inhibit growing infectious agents such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococcus faecium. Based on the growth curve of productive bacteria, the production phase of antibacterial metabolites starts at 8 hours (logarithmic phase) and reaches its peak at 22-24 hours (stationary phase). The antibacterial power of some samples was maintained up to 1/16 AU ml�1. The significant temperature resistance of proteins and the stability of their antibacterial properties were observed at high levels of acid and base. The degradation of peptide activity by Proteinase K and Lipase enzymes tells about its protein-lipid structure. Bands belonging to pyocin were observed on the polyacrylamide gel. Also, the expression of high levels of pyocin gene was observed compared to the house-kipping gene. Conclusion: Bacteriocins secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa including pyocin have a high capacity to inhibit infectious agents. The Interesting fact is their temperature resistance and the stability of their antibacterial activity under physical and chemical stress conditions. These results suggest bacteriocins as very promising compounds in inhibiting the spread of microbial infections and antibiotic resistance; because in addition to unique features, due to their development during evolution, the possibility of resistance to them has decreased.


Hamed Charkhian was born on May 31, 1987, in Urmia, Iran. He studied the bachelor of Cellular and Molecular Biology (I.A.U.U) and due to his interest and curiosity in biological structures and their mechanisms of action. He continued his education life in the master of Biotechnology (I.A.U.U). Because of his interest in learning, voluntarily, he got his first experience interacting with patients at Dr. Nemati Medical Diagnosis and Pathology Laboratory, then continued at the Medical Diagnosis, Pathology Laboratory of Imam Khomeini University Hospital, and Blood Transfusion Organization and Keyhan Darou Pharmaceutical co. For him, humans and their lifes are very important and valuable. He believes knowledge and science are the only way to save humans from illnesses and other different problems. He believes that all of us should be useful and effective people in society and untie the knot of human problems so that our lives find meaning.