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Tyre cavity design for better fuel economy

6th International Conference and Exhibition on Automobile & Mechanical Engineering

July 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland

Hamad Aldhufairi

University of Birmingham, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: JET


Rolling resistance is one of the central areas of focus in the on-going tyre developments and research. This is because of the considerable impact it holds on vehicle��?s fuel economy and CO2 emissions on a global scale. However, reducing rolling resistance is not an easy task to do due to the complexity of tyre construction and the trade-offs involved between tyre��?s main characteristics in the process. A prospective solution that may help in greatly minimising the trade-offs and improve fuel economy is the notion of mutliple compartments tyre. This presentation explores the potentiality of mutli-compartments tyre solution in lowering rolling resistance with minimum tradeoffs possible. In this respect, several novel tyre designs were introduced and investigated via Abaqus/Explicit for rolling resistance, grip, ride comfort and cornering. The investigation revealed a clear difference in tyre peformance between the multi-compartment designs and the conventional tyre.

