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Volume 08

Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology

ISSN: 2319-9873

Automobile Europe 2019

July 08-09, 2019






International Conference and Exhibition on

July 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland

Automobile & Mechanical Engineering

Page 22

Julian F Dunne, JET 2019, Volume 08

The role of dynamics and control in cutting vehicle CO




here are only two ways of cutting CO


emissions from road vehicles: either i) by eliminating carbon from the

propulsion source, or ii) by dramatically improving vehicle efficiency. Adopting either of these options affordably

is by far from easy. This plenary lecture will focus on areas of vehicle technology where dynamics and control can be

used expediently to improve vehicle efficiency for conventionally powered vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), and

(battery) Electric Vehicles (EV). For example, in both conventionally-powered vehicles, and HEV, there are significant

benefits of closed-loop combustion control to improve engine thermal efficiency and performance using different fuels.

The state of indirect cylinder pressure sensing will be discussed. Another application where significant fuel economy

improvements are possible in IC engines, is to replace the liquid cooling with evaporative cooling a novel approach to

control two-phase spray evaporative cooling will be outlined. Yet another area for CO


emission reduction for HEV is

the adoption of advanced Range Extender concepts. And a final example (where a novel optimal control approach will

be discussed) is optimal flywheel-based kinetic energy recovery that offers durable vehicle range extension for both EV

and HEV. In summary, a broad overview will initially be given of areas where dynamics and control alone can engender

significant improvements in vehicle efficiency. Some of the realizable benefits and implementation challenges will be

examined for the topics mentioned.

Recent Publications


S Jafari J F Dunne, M Langari Z Yang, J-P Pirault, C A Long and J Thalackottore Jose (2018) Control of spray

evaporative cooling in automotive IC engines. ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications



C Bennett J F Dunne, S Trimby and D Richardson (2017) Engine cylinder pressure reconstruction using crank

kinematics and recurrently-trained neural networks. Journal of mechanical systems and signal processing



J F Dunne and L A Ponce Cuspinera (2015) Optimal gear ratio planning for flywheel-based kinetic energy

recovery systems in motor vehicles. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control.


Julian F Dunne

University of Sussex, UK