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JET 2018

ISSN: 2319-9873

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Structural and Civil Engineering


O c t o b e r 0 1 - 0 2 , 2 0 1 8

Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s

Civil Engineering 2018


his study examines the theoretical and instrumental contents concerning

the executive design that was considered as an operational and cognitive

apparatus aimed at planning, managing and guiding the on-site production and

construction processes. The executive design is defined as means of knowl-

edge and action aimed at modeling, anticipating and simulating the production

and construction reality. Its objective is to lead, guide and materialize the prac-

tical implementation according to the development of the technical devices

aimed both at structuring the contents, rules and design data, and at the fea-

sibility assessment. The study is defined as a sum of research and didactic

activities including the analysis relating both to the references concerning the

technological design culture and the executive design practices carried out

in the contemporary scenario. Furthermore, the study aims at developing a

fundamental theoretical system concerning the executive design, whereby to

proceed with the configuration of the layout related to the specific subject area

and with the in-depth analysis of educational aspects (with respect to the im-

partation of instrumental knowledge), procedural aspects (with respect to the

development of organizational and management processes) and notional and

regulatory aspects. The executive design develops the graphic and descriptive

contents with the purpose of representing an interaction and mediation tool

for operators, professionals, qualified workers, experts, especially in relation

to the production phase and the implementation phase; structuring, organizing

and managing information (regarding products and materials, systems, com-

ponents and technical elements, operators and their responsibilities); develop-

ing a decision making tool and an instrument that would determine the manag-

ing, prediction and rational organization procedures concerning the production

and construction phase; creating a communication tool, with the aid and the

application of scientific representation modes by using a symbolic and coded

language, for viewing and controlling the production and construction phase


Massimiliano Nastri has received his PhD in 1999 and the

Post-Doctoral degree in 2002 in

Technical Innovation and Archi-

tectural Design

, and a Research Grant in 1999-2000 at the Poly-

technic of Milan. He is serving as Assistant Professor in



at the Department of architecture, built environ-

ment and construction engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan

(since 2005). He develops his own scientific activity related to

innovative executive design methods and to advanced building

structures and envelopes. Scientific Director of the Editorial Col-


Executive culture and technological innovation


Nuove Publishing House S.p.A.), he published

Introduzione al

design vibro-acustico

(FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1997; also trans-

lated in Greece, 1998),


(Maggioli, Santarcangelo di

Romagna, 2002),

Involucro e architettura

(Maggioli, Santarcan-

gelo di Romagna, 2008),

Téchne e progetto esecutivo


Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2008),

La costruzione dell’architet-

tura. Strumenti e procedure operative per l’elaborazione tecnica

del progetto

(FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009),

La realtà del progetto

(Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2009).

Executive design: technological innovation and instrumental


Massimiliano Nastri

Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy

Massimiliano Nastri, JET 2018 Volume: 7