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Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences | ISSN: 2321-6212 | Volume 6

Theoretical, Materials and Condensed Matter Physics



International Conference on

November 26-28, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA

Fabrication and characterization of copper doped cadmium sulphide thin film solar cell

Sabur Abiodun Ayinde

The Federal Polytechnic, Nigeria


he fabrications of electronic components, especially solid-state devices and microelectronic integrated circuits, have

undoubtedly found the widest and most demanding applications for thin-film depositions. With a view to fabricating a

solar cell, a prepared precursor of Copper Cadmium dithiocarbamate was used for the deposition of CuCdS thin films at 420



on ITO coated glass substrate by MOCVD technique as the absorber layer. Aluminium doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) was also

deposited by spray pyrolysis at 350


C as the window layer on the deposited absorber layer. Silver paste was drop-dried on the

deposited window layer as the ohmic contact.The result of the deposited layered thin films and the solar cell were analyzed using

Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), UV Visible spectrophotometer, Keithley four-

point probe instrument, and I-V analysis. The RBS analysis of the deposited CuCdS film revealed the percentage composition

of Cu=4.20%, Cd=10.77%, S=33.74%, and O=51.27%. Film thicknesses of 133nm and 889nm were recorded for AZO and

CuCdS thin film respectively as obtained from the RBS analysis. The composition of AZO as observed by EDX is Al=1.13%,

Zn=66.40%, and O=21.61%. The UV-visible analysis of AZO film revealed that the film had an optical transmittance of 60%

in the visible portion of the spectrum with a direct bandgap of 3.25eV, while bandgap of CuCdS is 2.41eV. The absorbance of

the CuCdS film was observed to be low in the VIS/NIR regions and high in UV region. The sheet resistance and resistivity of

AZO film are 9.58×10


Ω/square and 1.27×10


Ωcm respectively, while 1.17×10


Ω/square and 10.40Ωcm were obtained as

the sheet resistance and resistivity of CuCdS film respectively. The I-V analysis of the fabricated solar cell showed that, under

dark condition, it behaves like a diode or semiconductor current rectifier. The fill factor as extracted from the device and its

corresponding conversion efficiency are 0.6911 and 4.38% respectively.


Sabur Abiodun Ayinde is a PhD student at Obafemi Awolowo University where he had his masters in Engineering Physics in 2015. He is a 33 years academic

staff of The Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Nigeria. He has worked in a manufacturing industry after the graduation of his first degree and has spent the past 7 years

of his life as a polytechnic teacher. He has attended a series of conferences and has published more than 8 papers in reputed journals. In his quest to know how

things work, he likes to solve challenging problems in materials and solid state electronics. He is happily married with a kid and has always had the desire to render

community services to the people.

Sabur Abiodun Ayinde, Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C10-041