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Volume 6

Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences

ISSN: 2321-6212

Magnetic Materials 2018

October 22-23, 2018

October 22-23, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Critical behavior of GaMnAs diluted magnetic semiconductors near the Curie temperature

Shavkat U Yuldashev

Dongguk University, South Korea


aMnAs have been studied intensely over the last few decades and have become a model system for diluted ferromagnetic

semiconductors. At present, it is accepted that the Curie temperature of GaMnAs with metallic type of the conductivity

coincides well with the maximum of the temperature derivative of the resistivity dρ/dT, similar to the ferromagnetic metals

like Ni and Fe, whereas, for samples with low concentration of free carriers, the T


coincides with the resistivity maximum. The

critical behavior of GaMnAs near the Curie temperature was experimentally studied by using the temperature dependencies of

the resistivity, the specific heat, and the magnetization of GaMnAs. It is shown that the determination of T


from the maximum

of the temperature derivative of the resistivity is valid only for the samples with a high concentration of free carriers. For the

samples with low concentration of free carriers, the T


coincides with the resistivity maximum. The magnetic specific heat for

T > T


demonstrates the crossover from the one dimensional to the three dimensional critical behavior when temperature

become closer to the Curie temperature. This is explained by the existence of Mn-Mn dimers oriented along one direction at

the beginning of the formation of the ferromagnetic phase on the paramagnetic side of the phase transition.

Figure 1:

Temperature dependencies of the resistivity for the GaMnAs with 8% of Mn, annealed at low temperature. Inset shows the enlarged picture of the

resistivity behavior near the maximum and the magnetic specific heat, respectively.

Recent Publications

1. Z A Yunusov, Sh U Yuldashev, Y H Kwon, D Y Kim, S J Lee, et al. (2018) Band gap engineering of ZnMnO diluted

magnetic semiconductor by alloying with ZnS: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 446:206–209.

2. Sh U Yuldashev, Z A Yunusov, Y H Kwon, S H Lee, R Ahuja, et al. (2017) Critical behavior of the resistivity of GaMnAs

near the Curie temperature: Solid State Communications 263:38-41.

3. Sh U Yuldashev, V Sh Yalishev, Z A Yunusov, Y H Kwon and TWKang (2016) Magnetic phase transitions in ZnO doped

by transition metals: Physica Status Solidi C 13: 559–563.

4. Sh U Yuldashev, V Sh Yalishev, Z A Yunusov, S J Lee, H C Jeon, et al. (2015) Magnetoelectric effect in GaMnAs /P(VDF-

TrFE) composite multiferroic nanostructures: Current Applied Physics 15:S22–S25.

5. Sh U Yuldashev, Kh T Igamberdiev, Y H Kwon, S H Lee, X Liu, et al. (2012) Crossover critical behavior of Cd1-xMnxAs:

Phys. Rev. B 85: 125202:1–5.


Shavkat U Yuldashev has completed his PhD in the year 1983 from A.F. Ioffe Institute, Saint-Petersburg. He is the Professor at the Department of Physics of Dongguk

University, Seoul, South Korea. He has published more than 175 papers in reputed journals. His expertise is in diluted magnetic semiconductors and spintronics.

Shavkat U Yuldashev, Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C6-029