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May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence



International Conference on

Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology | ISSN: 2319-9873 | Volume 8

Bio-inspired artificial intelligence with applications to various robotic systems

Simon X Yang

University of Guelph, Canada


tudies of biologically inspired artificial intelligence

have made significant progress in both understanding

the biological systems and developing innovative bionic

applications to diversified robotic systems for information

acquisition, signal processing, data analysis, decision making,

and system control. In this talk, I will start with a very

brief introduction to some biologically inspired intelligent

computations and their applications to early vision and

sensory motion in biological systems. After that, I will focus

on our recent works on innovative applications of bio-

inspired artificial intelligence to various robotic systems,

such as real-time intelligent sensing, path planning, tracking,

control, and teleoperation of autonomous robotic systems

including mobile robots, water surface robots, underwater

robots, and unmanned aerial robots; intelligent real-time

monitoring and control of livestock odors using novel robotic

e-noses; intelligent robotic system for real-time harvesting of

agricultural products; and intelligent real-time coordination

and cooperation of multi-robot systems.

Speaker Biography

Simon X Yang received the


degree in engineering physics from Beijing

University, China in 1987, the first of two


. degrees in biophysics from

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China in 1990, the second



degree in electrical engineering from the University of Houston, USA in

1996, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from

the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada in 1999. He joined the School

of Engineering at the University of Guelph, Canada in 1999. Currently

he is a Professor and the Head of the Advanced Robotics & Intelligent

Systems (ARIS) Laboratory at the University of Guelph in Canada. He has

diversified research expertise. He has published about 450 referred papers,

including over 200 journal papers (over 30 in IEEE Transactions). He has

been very active in professional activities. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief

of International Journal of Robotics and Automation, and an Associate

Editor or Editorial Board member of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,

and several other journals. Currently he is a panel member of the NSERC

Discovery Grants Selection Committee on Electrical and Computer

Engineering, a panel member of the NSERC-CIHR (Canadian Institutes of

Health Research) Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) Selection

Committee, and a panel member of CIHR Grants Selection Committee.

He was General Chair of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on

Logistics and Automation. Among many of his awards, he was a recipient

of the Distinguished Professor Award at the University of Guelph.


Simon X Yang

, JET, Volume 8 | ISSN: 2319-9873