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JET 2018
ISSN: 2319-9873
I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n
Structural and Civil Engineering
O c t o b e r 0 1 - 0 2 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Civil Engineering 2018
he fresh water transport, approximately of 75x106 m
/year from Turkey should be considered as a milestone to solve the
ever ending water problems in North Cyprus. This massive water supply not only covered all the water demand of different
sectors, but also offered the chance to define and implement a sustainable integrated water management strategy that
would consider wastewater as an integral part of the management approach. The paper intended to identify all the essential
components of the integrated water management plan and to define sustainable action strategies for these components, based
on related beneficial use concept. In this context, details of the water transport systemwere provided. Aside frommunicipal water
demand, agricultural use, groundwater recharge and water-contact recreation were defined as major beneficial uses for priority
consideration. Innovation wastewater systems based on membrane bioreactor technology were suggested for recovery and
reuse of the effluents. It was recommended that all urban wastewater treatment plants be upgraded or built as nutrient removal
MBRs, where the effluent could be directly used for agriculture and/or groundwater recharge; all rural wastewaters be treated
in lower-technology, extended aeration plants with sand filtration, capable of delivering effluents suitable for agricultural use.
The energy potential of sewage was also underlined, proposing utilization of sewage sludge for energy recovery. Novel process
alternatives with high energy capture rates, such as high rate pyrolysis, gasification etc. were suggested instead of the traditional
anaerobic sludge digestion. The paper also covered a brief overview on the current status of major factors and modules likely to
take part in the management strategy.
huseyin.gokcekus@neu.edu.trMassive fresh water transport: a new dimension
for integrated water-wastewater management in
North Cyprus
Hüseyin Gokcekus
, A Iravanian
, U Turker
, G Oguz
, S Sozen
and D Orhon
1, 4
Near East University Nicosia, Turkey
Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
ENVIS Energy and Environmental Systems Research and Development Ltd, Turkey
JET 2018 Volume: 7