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JET 2018
ISSN: 2319-9873
I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n
Structural and Civil Engineering
O c t o b e r 0 1 - 0 2 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Civil Engineering 2018
he use of the sand concrete makes it possible to carry out a concrete having physico-mechanical properties answering the
structural exigences and having economic and environmental advantages compared to the classical concrete. The present
study aims to connect the parameters of formulation based on Caquot formula in order to optimize the couple compressive
strength/absorption of water under various degrees of hygrometry and on the other hand, more precisely to use the concrete
sand in the public works sector in the prefabrication of prestressed beams and hollow bricks. The results showed the importance
of the type of formulation used because it takes into account the percentages of fillers of sand which is a co-product (waste) of
massive rock crushing. In addition, the use of fillerized sands, which are wastes of crushing basaltic rocks containing a small
percentage of fillers, is efficient in the manufacture of prestressed beams. For the hollow bricks, fillerized basalt sand, containing
a high percentage of filler, as well as a sand dune give satisfactory results.
elhadjigueye2020@gmail.comPhysicomechanical characterizations of sand
concrete: pre-stressed beams and hollow bricks
El Hadji Leye Gueye
, Seni Tamba
, Karim Limam
, Mamadou
Lamine Lo
and Salah Kachkouch2
Polytechnic School of Thies University, Republic of Senegal
LaSIE-University of Rochelle, France
JET 2018 Volume: 7