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Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences | ISSN: 2321-6212 | Volume 6

Theoretical, Materials and Condensed Matter Physics



International Conference on

November 26-28, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA

Amorphous magnetic films for spintronics


pintronics (SPIN TRansfer elecTRONICS) was introduced by SA Wolf in 1996 as the name of a DARPA project to

develop both a non-volatile magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) and also magnetic sensors for specialized

applications. Today, spintronics has already shown promise in ultra-low power and non-volatile information processing and

data storage technology. A recent advance in spintronic material systems will be reviewed. For the rest of my talk, I will focus on

amorphous rare-earth-transition-metal (


-RE-TM) thin films that exhibit perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA).



TM are ferrimagnets with two ferromagnetic RE and TM sublattices that interact via antiferromagnetic exchange coupling.

These amorphous ferromagnetic films exhibit large coercivity fields of several Tesla and moderate anisotropy energy ~10



cm. The magnetization of the sublattices compensates each other at the compensation temperature (T


). The spin structure

and atomic-scale structure support ultrafast magnetic switching and ultra-small ~5-10 nm skyrmions. These materials are

being studied for high-density ultrafast nanoelectronics. Self-exchange bias can be obtained by appropriately configuring

the nanoscale structure. The mechanisms are verified by micromagnetic and atomistic simulations. Measurements include

magnetization, MOKE, MFM, Hall effect, and magneto-resistance. The ability to control these new properties in amorphous

films without the need for epitaxial growth could open a new avenue for enhancing the functionalities of spin-based materials.


Joseph Poon is William Barton Rogers Professor of Physics at the University of Virginia. He received his BS and PhD from Caltech and was did postdoc work at

Stanford University. He has published 200+ papers. His current research is on magnetic films and thermoelectric materials. He previously worked on metallic glasses

and quasicrystals.

Joseph Poon

University of Virginia, USA

Joseph Poon, Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C10-040

FIG: Hall resistance measurement of patterned a-TbFe amorphous film showing major and minor loops as well as exchange bias effect.

Right: Monte Carlo simulated Tb and Fe spin distributions around the north and south poles.