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Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences | ISSN: 2321-6212 | Volume 6
Theoretical, Materials and Condensed Matter Physics
International Conference on
November 26-28, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA
Modeling and simulation of CZTS-perovskite sandwiched tandem solar cell
Awodele Mojoyinola Kofoworola
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria
he solar cell capacitance simulator (SCAPS-1D) was used in the modeling and simulation of sandwiched Perovsk-ite solar cells
(PSCs) with planar hetero-junction structure in the arrangement of the sandwiched model (FTO/ZnO/CZTS/PSCS/CZTS/
HTM). Two different configurations “121 and 111” of sandwiching absorber layer of the devi-ce were simulated and compared with
the Perovskite without a sandwich, using absorber layer of step length thickn-ess of 25nm, and varied from 100nm to 500nm. The
band gap diagram, I-V characteristics curve, and other param-eters were constructed. The best configuration for better performance
was then determined, from which further sim-ulations were carried out. The efficiency of 22.57% was achieved, which shows that
having a combination of two different absorbers was achievable with considerable photon conversion efficiency.
mkawodele@lautech.edu.ngRes. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C10-042