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Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences | ISSN: 2321-6212 | Volulme 6
November 07-08, 2018 | Atlanta, USA
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference and Exhibition on
Applied Crystallography
International Conference on
Rugged nanoparticle tracers for mass tracking in explosive events
Ryan Sumner
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
racing the flow of solid matter during an explosion requires a rugged tag that can be measured by a unique, identifiable
signature. Small semiconductors coined “Quantum Dots” provide a unique tunable photoluminescent signature that can
be tuned by the material’s composition and core/shell thickness. The particles can be ruggedized by the growth of a silica surface
around the quantum dots (QDs) that acts as a sacrificial layer during finite periods of elevated temperatures and pressures.
Incorporating the QDs into a matrix allows for identification of the debris by its’ unique photoluminescence. Five different
types of zinc sulfide QDs were synthesized and encapsulated in silica shells. The silica shelled QDs were covalently bound to
an inexpensive commercially available luminescent powder. The combination of 5 dots and 5 powders enables a matrix of
25 unique pigments that fluoresce at different excitations wavelengths. These pigments can be applied for mass tracking and
model confirmation. The use of a commercial luminescent powder with the QDs allows for field identification and laboratory
confirmation. The QD bound powders were suspended in a hydrated silica gel pending incorporation into temperature resistant
paints, synthetic stone and controlled porous glass. The incorporation of temperature resistant QD bound powders has enabled
unique identifiers, which allows for the tracking of mass through explosive events and other inaccessible environments.
Ryan Sumner has completed his MSc and BS in Chemistry from Western Washington University. He is currently a staff materials/analytical Scientist at Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory focusing on nanomaterial fabrication/integration, method development and instrumentation. He has papers related to nanomaterial
integration for renewable energies. Current research includes studies on nanoparticles for mass tracking, isolation of individual isotopes via mass-spec and
development of radiochemical separations.
ryan.sumner@pnnl.govRyan Sumner, Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C8-036