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November 13-15, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
Materials Science and Engineering
RRJOMS | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | November, 2017
Synthesis of ZrS
/ZnS nano photocatalyst and palladium-graphite modified electrode and its application
in antibacterial, antimitotic and electrochemical degradation for waste water
Sannaiah Ananda
University of Mysore, India
/ZnSwerepreparedbysimpleelectrochemicalmethod.Pd/graphitemodifiedelectrodehasbeensynthesizedby electrodeposition of Pd on graphite. The structural, composition and optical property of these materials were characterized
by XRD, SEM(EDAX), UV-Vis and IR techniques. The energy gap and size of the nanoparticles were calculated. Photocatalytic
degradation for Indigo Carmine dye and industrial effluents by nanoparticles were studied. Electrochemical degradation for Acridine
orange dye was studied by Pd/graphite modified electrode. The kinetics of photodegradation and electrochemical degradation was
studied. ZrS
/ZnS showed very good antibacterial and antimitotic activity. These results indicate that the synthesized nanocomposites
and modified electrodes would be promising materials for photocatalytic, electrochemical and biological applications.
snananda@yahoo.comRes. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2017, 5:7
DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C1-012