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November 13-15, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
Materials Science and Engineering
RRJOMS | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | November, 2017
Thermal conductivity of epoxy resin composites filled with combustion synthesizedAlN and h-BN powders
Shyan-Lung Chung
Jeng-Shung Lin
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
poxy resin composites filled with combustion synthesized aluminum nitride (AlN) and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) powders
were fabricated and their thermal conductivities were compared. The thermal conductivity of AlN-filled composites increases
with increasing filler content but that h-BN filled composites increases with increasing filler content to a maximum then decrease
with filler content further increased. There are considered to be caused by more randomly oriented h-BN particles at low filler
contents but more horizontally at high filler contents. When comparing composites filled with AlN and h-BN particles with a similar
size, the h-BN filled composites possess higher thermal conductivities than the AlN filled composites do in low filler content regions
but the opposite was observed in high filler content regions.
slchung@mail.ncku.edu.twRes. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2017, 5:7
DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C1-012