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Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences | ISSN: 2321-6212 | Volulme 6
November 07-08, 2018 | Atlanta, USA
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference and Exhibition on
Applied Crystallography
International Conference on
Influence of patterned substrates on miniaturization of surface patterns in soft elastic films
Jayati Sarkar
Indian Institute of Technology, India
he advantages of diminutive-size surface-patterns have been harnessed by various industries, such as semiconductor, integrated
circuits, nano-devices, nano-sensors, optoelectronics etc. Patterning the soft thin elastic films through self-organization is found
to be a cheaper alternative route for fabricating meso/nano length scales at such soft interfaces compared to conventional lithographic
techniques. Self-organization involves surface reorganization of a polymeric film resting on a substrate, due to the application of a
force field created by an external contactor. The film reorganizes itself to attain the minimum energy state that leads to the surface-
patterning. For elastic thin films cast on smooth substrates, the instability length scales between the contact zones have been reported
to be ~2.96*h (h being the mean thickness of the elastic film). Linear stability analysis and numerical simulation studies on soft elastic
thin films show that much smaller pattern length scales can be obtained for sinusoidal-patterned-substrates when used in lieu of flat
substrates. Inspired by the theoretical work, we have performed soft film adhesive experiments on three patterned substrates created
from naturally occurring water lily leaves, low-cost commercially available compact disks and EBM created cubic patterns. The
morphological surface patterns of columns, labyrinths and cavities formed at different stages of the adhesion-debonding cycle in these
experiments do indeed reveal minuscule length scale formation that is much less than 2.96*h. Thus, the present work experimentally
and through numerical simulations demonstrates a simple and uncomplicated method to create miniaturized patterns, which have
extensive applications in fabricating lab-on-chip devices, self-cleaning materials, scaffolds for tissue engineering etc. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C8-036