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Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences | ISSN: 2321-6212 | Volulme 6

November 07-08, 2018 | Atlanta, USA

Materials Science and Engineering



International Conference and Exhibition on

Applied Crystallography



International Conference on


The Berkeley Center for structural biology suite of crystallography beamlines at the advanced light source

Marc Allaire

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab USA


tructural biology continues to revolutionize the way we understand life sciences at a molecular level. Critical to structural biology

is macromolecular crystallography and the absolute requirement of acquiring X-ray diffraction data from increasingly challenging

samples. The Berkeley Center for Structural Biology (BCSB) brings 20 years of experience to beamline management and innovation.

We operate five high-throughput protein crystallography beamlines at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National

Laboratory and are complementing our portfolio with the addition of a new microfocus beamline. Our vision is to provide state-of-

the-art beamlines through continual development and outstanding service for crystallographers around the world, enabling structure

solution on even the most complex biological systems. BCSB innovations include the pioneering of the automatic robotic sample

changer, the development of a compact variable collimator to define the size of the beam and the measurement of the sample flux

through a compact diode beam stop. To facilitate the beamline experience a graphical user-friendly interface was developed and over

the years refined and streamlined to fit the needs of the crystallographers. The majority of the BCSB users are now shipping their

samples and using the beamlines remotely from their home institutions. In recent years a series of new tools were implemented taking

advantage of BCSB innovations and fast-framing detectors. Now crystallographers can use a queuing approach to speed-up sample

screening, diffraction-based raster search to locate micron-size crystals in a sample and vector/helical data collection to minimize

radiation damage. In the last year, we have implemented a user-free automatic approach for sample screening and full data collection.

Quite often the automated approach identifies good quality data from samples that would otherwise have been missed. The automatic

data collection approach has proven valuable to fragment-based screening and drug design. Together with the automatic processing

of datasets, users can focus on structural biology rather than details of data collection.

Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C8-036