Pathology 2018
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
ISSN: 2319-9865
Page 73
October 08-09, 2018
Edinburgh, Scotland
International Conference on
Pathology & Cancer
he aim of this study was to evaluate sex diffrerences in
microsatellite instability frequency and clinicopathological
features of colorectal carcinoma (CRC). 177 patients (88 females
and 89 males) with CRC who underwent microsatellite instability
(MSI) testing were enrolled in this study. The overall incidence
of MSI-H status among observed patients with CRC was 14.7%.
The frequency of MSI was significantly higher in men (25.35%),
comparing with women (10%) (P=0.0369). The MSI-H status was
associated with the younger age (P=0.0020) in men. In addition,
vast majority of MSI-H tumors were found in proximal part of large
intestine (P<0.0001). In most of cases, MSI was due to lack of
MLH1 and PMS2 expression (64%). MLH1 deficiency was higher
in men rather than women (70.6% vs. 50%). In contrast, women
demonstratedmore often lack ofMSH2+MSH6 (37.5%vs. 11.8%).
Lack of MSH2 and MSH6 extression, as well as isolated block of
PMS2 expression, were associated with the highest tumor grade
(P<0.0001). In addition to grade, we found association of MSI-H
status with some histological types of colorectal carcinoma.
In particular, medullary and mucinous carcinoma were tightly
associated with MSI (P=0.000767). Interestingly that most
of these histological types were found in men in age up to 50
(P=0.0269). Finally, assessment of MSI-H status relation to tumor
staging allowed us to find the lower frequency of metastasis
in patietns with MSI-H status, comparing with patients with
microsatellite stable tumors regardless of sex.
Oksana.sulaieva@gmail.comMicrosatellite instability in colorectal carcinoma: does sex
Sulaieva O, Shapochka D, Selezniov O
Turkina A and Shapochka T
CSD Health Care, Kiev, Ukraine
Volume: 7