Pathology 2018
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
ISSN: 2319-9865
Page 83
October 08-09, 2018
Edinburgh, Scotland
International Conference on
Pathology & Cancer
7 years old female, married, G5P4, suffered from left breast
mass in the supraareolar region (at 12 o’clock), no consult
was done, she noted gradual enlargement of the mass over
nine months, she came in for consult, with the persistence
of the above symptoms with now accompanying tenderness,
skin tethering and nipple retraction. She was nonsmoker, with
regular menstruation and negative family history for breast
cancer. Ultrasonography revealed ill-defined speculated
hyperechoic mass with central calcification, measured 31x28
mm, and classified as score 5 by elastography. Fine needle
aspiration and excisional biopsy revealed invasive ductal
carcinoma, and it was triple positive by immunohistochemistry.
nadia_tikp@yahoo.comCase study
Nadia A Gheni
University of Tikrit, Iraq
Volume: 7